Important: the list of new features in EDIUS X does not end herewith.

Professional Titling: EDIUS X features the NewBlue Titler Pro 7 in a special EDIUS X customized version (EDIUS Edition) offering new handling and design features for professional titling, animated graphics, rolling titles and lower-thirds.Audio Optimization: EDIUS X comes bundled with the exclusive EDIUS Editions of Acon Digital: Compress EE (to be used as compressor or noise gate), DeNoise EE (to remove background noise), DeVerberate EE (to reduce reverberation) and Limit EE (to prevent audio from clipping).
#Edius 7 color correction for free
With EDIUS X, you get all those three great solutions for free as part of the EDIUS X package: The regular retail price for the above modules alone is more than US$600. Bundled with three great new modules for optimizing audio, title creation and video effects.Native Support for the Latest Cameras and Codecs.Optimized Performance: EDIUS X is all about performance and optimal use of advanced technology: hardware acceleration by Intel QuickSync, broad GPU support and multicore CPUs.8K Support: EDIUS X Workgroup allows project settings and also file export in up to 8K.Draft Mode: With EDIUS X, EDIUS X Pro now also includes the Draft Preview Mode allowing realtime playback of as of many tracks as you like.GUI Color:refined GUI in a slightly darker color.H.265 Export: EDIUS X speeds up export rendering time by leveraging NVIDIA GPU support.
#Edius 7 color correction skin